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SCENA JUTRA conference

March 31st, 2023

Yaron Abulafia was one of the keynote speakers at the 5th SCENA JUTRA (‘Stage of Tomorrow’) conference, a high profile 2-day industry symposium taking place at the Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw, Poland, organised by the Stage of Tomorrow Foundation (March 29th - 30th, 2023).


Keynote presentations were delivered by Berlin-based light artist Christopher Bauder of Dark Matter and international lighting-and-visual designers Yaron Abulafia, Mikki Kunttu and Koert Vermeulen, among others. The four explored a diversity of topics including sustainability, new technologies and their use in entertainment, art and promotion, education, and potential future directions and development for the industry. Most critically, everyone mentioned the need for keeping original ideas and thoughts flowing when creating designs.


An impressive array of high-profile Polish and international speakers and influencers ensured there was plenty of buzz and interest in the diverse programme that explored multiple topics and themes all related to stage presentation, scenography, dramaturgy, theatricality, and expression over 50 separate sessions. Debates, discussions and presentations focused on how new and developing technologies – from the latest lighting fixtures and sound systems to VR, real-time visual tools remote tracking and AI – might affect the future creation of emotional experiences for audiences and guests.


Scena Jutra is indeed a melting pot of visual designers, content creators, technicians, geeks and anyone remotely interested in the power and future of the performance artistic spectrum.